Report criticizes Indian elections in Kashmir as a cover for military occupation

Islamabad, Recent elections in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir have been criticized as a mere continuation of India’s military occupation rather than a genuine democratic process, a new report claims.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the report released today argues that the elections in the region are being used by India to maintain its military presence under the guise of democracy. The elections are depicted as a strategic move to mislead the international community and distract from the ongoing freedom movement within the region. The report asserts that these electoral exercises are intended to project a false sense of dissatisfaction with the resistance movement among Kashmiris, while in reality, they remain committed to their struggle for self-determination.

The document further discusses the broader implications of India’s actions on August 5, 2019, which are viewed as dismissive of the Kashmiris’ aspirations. It emphasizes that the primary goal of these elections is to solidify India’s control over the territory, noting that such polls cannot alter the disputed nature of the region nor replace the Kashmiri people’s demand for a plebiscite, as sanctioned by the United Nations.