Jaipur, Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi, the chief of the Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena, was assassinated today in Jaipur, the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan. The attack, which took place at Gogamedi’s residence, involved unidentified gunmen who fled the scene after the incident.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the assassination was captured on CCTV footage. The video shows two men firing multiple shots at Gogamedi and another individual standing at the door. Gogamedi was seen collapsing from gunshot injuries. The brutal nature of the attack has shocked the local community and raised concerns about safety and law enforcement in the area.
Following the incident, a gang reportedly claimed responsibility for the murder of Gogamedi. The motive behind the attack and the identity of the assailants remains subjects of investigation.
This high-profile assassination has sent ripples through Rajasthan, highlighting the need for urgent measures to address violence and ensure public safety.