Lahore, A ceremonial event at the Central Police Office marked the promotion of 26 police officers to the rank of Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs), overseen by Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar. The ceremony, attended by family members and relatives of the promoted officers, included the formal pinning of ranks and commendations by senior officials.
According to Punjab Police, IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar encouraged the newly promoted DSPs to embrace modern policing techniques, including IT-based technologies and expansions of the Safe Cities Authority and the Organized Crime Unit. He emphasized the importance of enhanced crime control and investigative capabilities through the integration of human and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Usman Anwar also outlined the expectations placed on the new DSPs, stressing the importance of fairness, professionalism, and prompt registration of FIRs to prevent any delays in justice. The promoted officers reaffirmed their dedication to improving public service delivery and upholding high standards of conduct in their new roles.