Ranchi, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has forecasted the advent of ‘Ram Raj’ (the rule of Ram) in India and projected the country’s ascent to one of the world’s top three economies by 2027. These statements were made during a rally in Itkhori, Jharkhand, where Singh tied the establishment of ‘Ram Raj’ to the inauguration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Singh expressed confidence in India’s developmental trajectory under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, suggesting that these advancements would not only realize ‘Ram Raj’ but also elevate India’s economic status globally. Further, he anticipated Modi’s continued tenure as Prime Minister, foreseeing his leadership extending into a third and even a fourth term.
The vision of ‘Ram Raj’ articulated by Singh implies a period of prosperity and righteousness, traditionally associated with the reign of Lord Ram, a revered figure in Hindu mythology. However, the remarks also hinted at an underlying exclusivity, suggesting that in the envisioned ‘Ram Raj,’ Hindus would enjoy a privileged status, with the implication of increased violence and discrimination against Muslims and other minorities.
These comments have stirred conversations about the inclusivity and secular fabric of India, raising concerns about the potential implications for the country’s diverse population.