Rahul Gandhi Criticizes Modi’s Governance, Claims ‘Ideological War’ in India

New Delhi: Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the opposition in India’s lower House of Parliament, has publicly criticized the ruling approach of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party, claiming an ongoing “ideological war” in India. Gandhi’s remarks were made during a discussion at the National Press Club in Washington, where he outlined the stark differences in vision between his Congress party and Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

According to Kashmir Media Service, Rahul Gandhi expressed his concerns over the divergent paths that the two major political parties in India envision for the country. “We believe in a plural vision, a vision where everybody has a right to thrive… an India where you’re not persecuted because of what religion you believe in, or what community you come from, or which language you speak,” Gandhi stated. His comments highlighted the ideological divide centered around inclusion and religious freedom, contrasting with the BJP’s policies.

Gandhi, who assumed a pivotal leadership role in the opposition in June, a position that had been unfilled for nearly a decade, also reflected on the recent 2024 election outcomes. Under his leadership, the Congress party nearly doubled its representation in Parliament, surpassing expectations and challenging Modi’s BJP to seek a coalition to maintain governance.

Further addressing societal issues in India, Gandhi pointed out the inadequate representation and participation of marginalized communities, specifically the Dalits, in mainstream society and governance. He criticized the disproportionate control held by a small segment of the population over the country’s infrastructure and resources.

On the international front, Gandhi did not shy away from criticizing Modi’s foreign policy, especially concerning the tense relations with China. He highlighted the ongoing border tensions spanning a 2,100-mile border between the two countries, which have led to sporadic confrontations.

Gandhi’s remarks in Washington are part of his broader effort to articulate and promote his party’s vision for India, positioning it as a more inclusive and tolerant alternative to the current administration led by Modi and the BJP.