Rahul Gandhi Accuses BJP of Compromising Indian Education System

New Delhi: In a stark allegation against the Modi-led BJP government, Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi has accused the administration of exploiting the country’s education system and committing fraud. This controversy comes in light of recent events surrounding the NEET exam paper leak, which Gandhi claims was sold for several lakhs of rupees a day before the examination.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during a press conference, Gandhi criticized the government for allowing the manipulation of the examination system, which he said is intended to benefit well-connected families at the expense of ordinary students. He cited recent police actions in Patna, Godhra, and Rajasthan, where significant sums of money were allegedly recovered in connection with the paper leak, and BJP affiliates were implicated.

Gandhi further attacked the silence of the BJP on these scandals as evidence of a systemic failure to hold influential figures accountable under Indian law. He specifically pointed out the shortcomings of Indian Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, accusing him of neglecting his duties and failing to address the flaws within the education system that allowed such fraud to occur.