Quetta to Host Open Court for Immediate Public Grievance Redressal

Quetta: An open court session is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, under the auspices of Deputy Commissioner Quetta, Lt. (R) Saad bin Asad, aimed at addressing and resolving public complaints on the spot. The event will be held at 11 am at the Metropolitan Corporation Quetta lawn, where district department officials will directly engage with citizens.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, this initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance transparency and responsiveness in local governance. Citizens are encouraged to present their issues and concerns in person at the open court, where they can expect immediate attention and action from the attending officials.

This approach underscores the local government’s commitment to accessible and prompt service delivery, facilitating a direct dialogue between the public and their representatives in government.