Quetta Seminar Highlights Role of Local Governance in Peace Building and Development

Quetta: A significant seminar focused on the vital roles of local governance in fostering peace and driving development was held in Quetta. The event, titled “Local Governance and Peace Building,” saw the participation of high-profile officials including Provincial Education Minister Ms. Rahila Hameed Khan Durrani, Secretary Local Government Abdul Rauf Baloch, and other key figures from various governmental departments.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the seminar was organized by the Department of Local Government and attracted a large number of officials including the Director General Local Government Syed Agha Zulfiqar Shah, Director of Balochistan Rural Development Academy Nimatullah Babar, and Director General Balochistan Civil Service Academy Hafeez Jamali. The assembly of district chairmen, vice chairmen, and department officers underscored the event’s importance.

During her address, Ms. Rahila Hameed Khan Durrani highlighted the crucial role of local government in establishing law and order and improving governance across the province. She emphasized the current government’s efforts under the leadership of Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Sarfaraz Bugti to implement reforms and developmental projects that align with the aspirations of the people. She also stressed on the importance of equal participation of men and women in societal roles and responsibilities for achieving peace and prosperity.

Secretary Local Government Abdul Rauf Baloch elaborated on the administrative and supportive role of the local government, from issuing birth and death certificates to facilitating educational and other civic processes. He proudly noted that the budget for local government was doubled for the first time in the province’s history, a testament to Chief Minister Bugti’s prioritization of local governance.

Director General of Balochistan Rural Development Academy, Nimatullah Babar, spoke about the academy’s role in training unemployed youth and contributing to the province’s development. He acknowledged the efforts of Abdul Rauf Baloch for organizing a pivotal conference and called for further institutional reforms.

The seminar concluded with Abdul Rauf Baloch presenting a ceremonial shield to Ms. Rahila Hameed Khan Durrani, recognizing her contributions. He expressed gratitude towards the media, civil society, local council representatives, and government officials for their participation and promised to convey the suggestions from the seminar to the Chief Minister for further action.

The event underscored the collective commitment towards strengthening local governance as a foundation for societal welfare and highlighted the ongoing initiatives aimed at peace building and sustainable development in Balochistan.