Quetta School Marks World Biodiversity Day with Educational Ceremony

Quetta, A ceremony commemorating World Biodiversity Day was held at a private school in Hazara Town, organized by the Ten Billion Trees Tsunami Program Wildlife Component Balochistan. The event featured discussions led by local conservationists and educators, focusing on the urgent need to preserve biodiversity amidst accelerating environmental changes.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the ceremony was attended by several dignitaries including Project Director and Conservator Quetta Civil Division Niaz Khan Kakar, MOCC and EC Islamabad Wildlife Monitoring Officer Dr. Nadeem Manwar, and other wildlife and biodiversity specialists. They addressed a large gathering of school teachers and students, emphasizing the importance of educating the younger generation about biodiversity.

Speakers at the event highlighted the critical situation facing many of Earth’s species, with Niaz Khan Kakar noting that a significant portion of known species have already become extinct due to environmental changes. He pointed out that while there are approximately 14 million species worldwide, only 1.2 million have been identified and much remains unknown about the vast majority. The ongoing loss of species without identification threatens to disrupt the evolutionary process and impede our understanding of biodiversity’s role in human and societal needs.

The event also included the distribution of shields, a symbolic walk, and a tree-planting session by the participants, underscoring the call to action for more tree planting and proactive conservation efforts to combat the effects of climate change on the natural environment.