Quetta Officials Launch Crackdown on Encroachments to Restore Roads and Sidewalks

Quetta: In a coordinated effort to clear public spaces, officials in Quetta have launched a significant crackdown on encroachments in various key market areas of the city, resulting in the restoration of roads and sidewalks for vehicle and pedestrian use. The operations, led by Assistant Commissioner Kuchlak and Special Magistrate Abdul Hameed, targeted multiple congested areas including Kuchlak Bazar and Masjid Road.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the actions were carried out under the direct orders of Deputy Commissioner Quetta Lt. (Rtd) Saad Bin Asad following several public complaints. The enforcement teams focused on removing obstacles like reeds and unauthorized extensions of shops that protruded onto the roads. During the operation, three shops on Masjid Road were sealed, and numerous shopkeepers received strict warnings for violating city regulations.

The campaign addressed long-standing issues in traffic flow and pedestrian movement, particularly in busy marketplaces such as Kandahari Bazar, Mizan Chowk, and Manan Chowk. The local government’s initiative reflects an ongoing commitment to maintaining public order and safety by ensuring that streets and footpaths are accessible and unobstructed.