Quetta Minister Pledges to Address Constituency Challenges and Improve Public Services

Quetta, Provincial Minister of Livestock and Dairy Development Bakht Muhammad Kakar has committed to fulfilling his electoral promises by addressing various development challenges in his constituency, PB-39. During meetings with local delegations, he emphasized the government’s dedication to public service and the utilization of available resources to enhance the living standards of the residents.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, Minister Kakar expressed disappointment with the previous administration’s neglect of his constituency, which has left the area with numerous infrastructural and social issues. He detailed the government’s plans to significantly improve local infrastructure, including the installation of new roads, drainage systems, and educational facilities, as well as the construction of bridges and the implementation of employment initiatives.

Minister Kakar assured his constituents that he personally oversees the ongoing projects, pledging zero tolerance for negligence in their execution. He reiterated his commitment to the people, stating that his life’s work is dedicated to their service and the betterment of their lives.