Quetta Initiates Crackdown on Professional Beggars

Quetta, A targeted crackdown on professional beggars has commenced in Quetta, spearheaded by the city’s district administration following numerous public complaints. This initiative, led by Deputy Commissioner Quetta Lieutenant (R) Saad bin Asad, aims to address the rising concerns over safety and order due to the presence of beggars involved in various misdemeanors.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the operation was conducted at various locations throughout the city, including Jinnah Road, Kandahari Bazar, Meezan Chowk, Liaquat Bazar, Abdul Sattar Road, and Garndawah. Magistrate Abdul Hameed oversaw the crackdown, during which 27 individuals identified as professional beggars were apprehended and handed over to the Department of Social Welfare for further action.

Deputy Commissioner Asad noted that the influx of professional beggars in Quetta increases with the onset of summer, many of whom are involved in criminal activities that pose serious issues for residents. The district administration has been directed to intensify efforts daily to ensure the city remains free of such disturbances.