Lahore, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced the establishment of a Provincial Enforcement Authority in Punjab to address price hikes, government land encroachments, and hoarding, while also performing other special tasks as directed by the government. This decision came after a special meeting to review the implementation of various government policies in the province.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif indicated that the Provincial Enforcement Authority would be headed by the Chief Secretary, supported by a Director General. The enforcement authorities will also be established at the district and tehsil levels, with District Enforcement Authority led by the Deputy Commissioner and Tehsil Enforcement Authority by the respective Assistant Commissioner.
The new enforcement authorities will have the power to take action against a range of illegal activities, including seizures of state properties. The Chief Minister directed that these enforcement authorities be made functional within six months and that the required legislation for this purpose should begin immediately. A proposal to amend 11 laws, rules, and ordinances in this regard was approved.
The plan includes establishing a police station and a special force at the tehsil level, under the supervision of the Tehsil Enforcement Authority. The enforcement authority will consist of an in-charge, investigation officers, enforcement officers, and constables, with powers to register cases, conduct investigations, make arrests, and enforce the law.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif mentioned that offices for the Provincial and District Enforcement Authorities would also be set up to ensure effective monitoring. The creation of these authorities is expected to bolster the enforcement of laws and maintain public order by providing a structured approach to addressing key issues in Punjab.
The meeting was attended by various officials, including Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Senator Pervaiz Rasheed, Provincial Minister for Food Bilal Yasin, Minister for Information and Culture Azma Zahid Bukhari, Minister for Agriculture Muhammad Ashiq Hussain, MPA Sania Ashiq, Chief Secretary, Secretaries Agriculture, Finance, and other relevant officers.