Punjab Police Urges Expedited Processing of Pending Challans in 22 Districts

Lahore: In a concerted effort to address the backlog of pending challans, Additional IG Investigation Punjab, Muhammad Idrees Ahmad, chaired a follow-up meeting at the Central Police Office. The session, which connected various police officials from across the region via video link, aimed to implement judicial orders effectively and expedite the clearance process.

According to Punjab Police, the meeting saw participation from CPOs, DPOs, SSPs, SPs of Investigation, and other officers. During the session, Additional IG Muhammad Idrees Ahmad acknowledged the efforts of 14 districts that have successfully processed their challans on time. However, he underscored the need for the remaining 22 districts to adhere strictly to judicial directives, emphasizing the importance of resolving pending cases swiftly to maintain judicial efficiency.

He issued a directive for supervisory officers in these districts to clear all pending challans within a two-week deadline and to submit clearance certificates immediately thereafter. DSP Legal Qadeer Anwar and DSP Legal Arsalan Saif, who also attended the meeting, are expected to play key roles in overseeing the implementation of these orders.

The initiative reflects an ongoing commitment by the Punjab Police to enhance the efficacy of legal processes and ensure timely justice delivery across the region.