Lahore, In a significant move to bolster security for the upcoming presidential elections, Inspector General Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, visited the Office of the Provincial Election Commissioner Punjab. During his visit, Dr. Anwar met with Provincial Election Commissioner Punjab, Ijaz Anwar Chauhan, to discuss bilateral matters and the security arrangements for the presidential elections scheduled for March 9th at the Punjab Assembly.
According to Punjab Police, both officials expressed satisfaction over the peaceful conduct of recent elections in the province and focused their discussions on ensuring a secure environment for the presidential elections. Dr. Anwar assured Commissioner Chauhan of full security arrangements to facilitate a smooth electoral process.
The Punjab Police’s commitment to maintaining law and order was reiterated, with a specific focus on ensuring foolproof security measures during the presidential elections. This commitment extends from the general elections, during which the police force successfully secured Election Commission offices, Returning Officers’ (ROs) offices, and staff, enabling citizens to exercise their right to vote in a peaceful and safe environment.
IG Punjab also emphasized the police department’s dedication to preserving the atmosphere of law and order on every important occasion in the future, assuring that the Punjab Police will spare no effort in maintaining peace and security.