Dera Ghazi Khan, In a late-night operation, Punjab Police successfully thwarted a terrorist assault on the Hazrat Umar Farooq (Jhangi) police check post in DG Khan. The police force repelled the attackers after a three-hour firefight, which resulted in injuries to seven officers. Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, commended the officers for their courage and provided financial rewards to the injured and those who participated in the defense.
According to Punjab Police, a group of 15 to 20 terrorists armed with modern weaponry, including rocket launchers and hand grenades, attempted to overrun the Jhangi check post. The attackers aimed to take the police officers hostage but were forced to retreat after running out of ammunition. The incident underscores ongoing security challenges in the region, as this marks the second attempt on the same post within two months.
Dr. Usman Anwar, during his visit to the site, emphasized the resilience and preparedness of the Punjab Police, announcing measures to bolster defenses at the check post, including additional personnel and advanced weaponry. He also assured that the injured officers would receive the best medical treatment available. The operation reflects the heightened alertness and readiness of the police against terrorist threats in Punjab.