Lahore, The Punjab Police, following the directives of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, has successfully conducted evacuation operations for illegal foreign immigrants across Punjab.
According to Punjab Police, over 1,650 raids were carried out in various districts, resulting in the evacuation of more than 700 foreign nationals. Additionally, the verification of over 17,000 foreigners was completed with assistance from NADRA and other government institutions. About 14,000 illegal immigrants voluntarily left Punjab as part of this initiative.
IG Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, has instructed Regional Police Officers (RPOs) and District Police Officers (DPOs) to expedite the evacuation process. He emphasized the need for swift completion of the return process for all illegally staying foreign nationals, suggesting intensified efforts in collaboration with Special Branch, Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), District Administration, and other intelligence agencies. He also stressed the importance of ensuring respect for basic human rights and maintaining excellent arrangements throughout the evacuation process.