Lahore, In a commendation ceremony led by Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, the Punjab Police team was awarded for their quick resolution of the murder case of Ayesha Bibi, a 12-year-old domestic help from Sargodha. Acting on directives from Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the police team received appreciation letters for their diligent investigation and prompt arrest of the perpetrators.
According to Punjab Police, the ceremony acknowledged the outstanding work of DPO Sargodha Muhammad Faisal Kamran and his team. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar praised their efficiency in solving the distressing case within 72 hours. SP Fakhar Aslam, ASP Akhtar Nawaz, and their team members were recognized with letters of appreciation for their rapid action in apprehending the accused.
The event also celebrated other exemplary performances within the force. Lady Sub-Inspectors Anam Sarfraz, TSI Kousar Ijaz, Umm e Kulsoom, and others received commendations for their service. Moreover, SHO Bhagtanwala Sahib Khan was acknowledged for his role in bringing a murderer of five to justice, and SHO Salanwali Irfan ul Haq for solving a robbery with a murder case.
IG Punjab emphasized that the tradition of recognizing exceptional police work fosters a positive culture within the force and pledged to continue this practice across all levels. The ceremony was also attended by prominent officials including Additional IG Punjab Sultan Chaudhry and DIG Headquarters Humayun Bashir Tarar, among others, reinforcing the department’s collective dedication to exemplary service.