Punjab Police Launches Seventh Batch of Student Internship Program

Lahore: The Punjab Police inaugurated the seventh batch of its Student Internship Program at the Central Police Office, furthering its commitment to an education-friendly initiative under the guidance of Inspector General of Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar. This new batch includes 81 students from Punjab University and the University of Lahore, who are currently pursuing degrees in Criminology and Criminal Justice.

According to Punjab Police, DIG Training Punjab Rao Munir Zia outlined the internship’s structure during the ceremony. He explained that the students would be attached to various field formations in groups over a six-week period, where they will gain firsthand experience in field policing, crime prevention, and public service delivery.

The program is designed to provide the interns with a comprehensive understanding of practical policing across multiple departments, including the Special Branch, Safe City Authority, and Investigation. Beyond operational insights, the internship aims to foster a deeper connection between academic study and practical application, allowing students to contribute their observations and suggestions for improvements at the conclusion of their internships.

AIG Training Punjab Faisal Mukhtar also addressed the interns, emphasizing the Punjab Police’s strategy to enhance direct engagement with students in educational and research activities. He highlighted that the internship not only serves as a practical learning experience but also aids in guiding the students’ future career paths within criminal justice fields.

This initiative is part of a broader effort by the Punjab Police to integrate educational opportunities into their community service framework, thereby nurturing a new generation of well-informed criminal justice professionals.