Lahore, In response to directives from Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, Punjab Police has intensified its crackdown on drug-related crime across the province as part of the ongoing Drug Free Punjab campaign. The operation, led by Inspector General Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, aims to eradicate the menace of drugs through intelligence-based targeted operations.
According to Punjab Police, more than 16,000 raids have been conducted on the hideouts of drug dealers across the province during this special campaign. Over a period of 57 days, 7,929 cases were registered against drug dealers, resulting in 8,412 arrests. The police have recovered significant quantities of illegal substances, including 5,374 kilograms of charas, more than 27 kilograms of Ice, 216 kilograms of opium, 97 kilograms of heroin, and 105,910 liters of alcohol.
The spokesperson for Punjab Police noted that in the past 24 hours, 229 raids were conducted across the province, including in Lahore. These raids led to the arrest of 90 individuals involved in drug trafficking and the registration of 87 cases against them. Additionally, the police recovered 44 kilograms of charas, 360 grams of Ice, and 862 liters of alcohol from the suspects.
IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has instructed regional and district police officers to intensify their anti-narcotics operations. He emphasized the importance of bringing all suspects involved in the drug supply chain, including drug smugglers and dealers, to justice. Dr. Anwar also highlighted that those distributing narcotics in educational institutions should be made examples to deter future drug-related crime.
The ongoing campaign reflects Punjab’s commitment to tackling drug-related crime and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. The Punjab Police’s efforts to combat the drug trade and bring those responsible to justice are expected to have a significant impact on reducing the prevalence of drugs in the province.