Lahore, In a significant move to enhance public convenience, the Punjab Police, under the directive of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, has initiated the online renewal of regular and international driving licenses. This new system allows citizens across the province to renew their driving licenses through an online payment system, simplifying the process and reducing the need for physical visits to traffic centers.
According to Punjab Police, this innovative service is available at police service centers, traffic centers, front desks of police stations, and public portals. The renewal of learner driving licenses has also been shifted to the online platform. Previously, this process required physical presence and manual payment, but with the new system, renewals can be done remotely.
Furthermore, Dr. Usman Anwar has eliminated the old ticket system for driving licenses, introducing an e-payment system for license fees. This step not only streamlines the payment process but also aligns with the digital transformation goals of the Punjab Police. The spokesperson for Punjab Police highlighted that these services could be accessed through the public portal of Punjab Police, the DLIMS website, and the Punjab Police App, making it convenient for citizens to avail of these services from anywhere.
The primary objective of these measures, as stated by IGP Punjab, is to simplify the traffic license issuance process and to provide maximum facilities to the citizens. This move is expected to significantly enhance the efficiency of the licensing system and improve the overall experience for license holders in Punjab.
La Rioja, In a significant step towards educational development, UNESCO’s Latin American Laboratory for the Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE) held a virtual meeting in November 2023 with educators from La Rioja, Argentina. The meeting marked the conclusion of the 2023 implementation of the ERCE Schools project in the province, under the auspices of UNESCO’s Regional Office in Santiago.
According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, this gathering brought together teachers, school administrators, supervisors, and officials from La Rioja’s Directorate of Evaluation of Educational Quality and Argentina’s Ministry of Education. The focus was to review the students’ performance in the ERCE Schools project, which assessed learning in Reading and Mathematics.
The event highlighted the experiences and strategies of three local teachers: Gustavo Berejano from School 393, Orlando Andrada from School 405, and Karen Molina from School 37. They shared their insights on overcoming challenges in teaching Reading and Mathematics, reflecting on the diagnostic evaluation and support stage of the ERCE Schools project.
In addition to this, UNESCO Santiago’s LLECE Laboratory hosted a webinar to present Argentina’s performance in the Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (ERCE 2019). This study, for the first time, evaluated socio-emotional skills, including empathy, openness to diversity, and school self-regulation. Carlos Henríquez, General Coordinator of LLECE, emphasized the importance of including socio-emotional skills in assessments, highlighting the holistic approach necessary for students’ personal and social development.
Paula Viotti, Director of Educational Evaluation at Argentina’s Ministry of Education, acknowledged the study’s significance in shaping educational strategies and fostering students’ comprehensive development. The event also saw the participation of Silvia Romero, Director of Evaluation of La Rioja, and Claudia de la Vega, General Director of Primary Level in the province, who reaffirmed their commitment to continuous educational improvement and innovation.
This initiative underscores UNESCO’s role in supporting educational advancements and teacher empowerment in Latin America, contributing to the global goal of enhancing quality education for all.