Lahore, In a major operation directed by Inspector General Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, Punjab Police has escalated its crackdown against drug dealers, smugglers, and peddlers across the province. As part of this ongoing campaign, thousands of suspects have been arrested, and substantial quantities of narcotics have been seized.
According to Punjab Police, the force has conducted 77,766 raids and intelligence-based operations this year on the hideouts of drug dealers throughout Punjab, including Lahore. These operations have resulted in 46,749 cases being registered against drug dealers and the arrest of 46,804 suspects. The police have confiscated 26,364 kilograms of charas, 365 kilograms of heroin, and 61 kilograms of ice from the possession of drug traffickers.
Detailing the recent activities, the spokesperson for Punjab Police reported that 214 raids were carried out across the province yesterday alone. These operations led to the registration of 129 cases and the arrest of 122 accused, with the police recovering 74 kilograms of charas, 190 grams of heroin, and 100 grams of ice. Over the last week, 2,113 raids were conducted, resulting in 1,191 cases, the arrest of 1,273 drug criminals, and the seizure of 625 kilograms of charas, 9.5 kilograms of heroin, and 1.3 kilograms of ice.
IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has issued directives to the operational units for a coordinated strategy to make Punjab a drug-free province. He emphasized the importance of intensifying crackdowns against drug dealers based on special branch reports, human intelligence, and other information. Dr. Anwar specifically instructed that suspect supplying drugs near educational institutions, colleges, universities, and hostels should be arrested and severely punished. He also ordered all Regional Police Officers (RPOs) and District Police Officers (DPOs) to regularly submit reports on operations against drug peddlers to the Central Police Office (CPO).