Lahore, In anticipation of the Pakistan-New Zealand T20 cricket series, Punjab Police, under the direction of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, has implemented comprehensive security and traffic measures for matches in Rawalpindi and Lahore.
According to Punjab Police, the first game of the series, held on Thursday evening at Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium, saw the deployment of foolproof security arrangements. The series, which features three matches in Rawalpindi followed by two in Lahore, involves extensive coordination among the Punjab Police, Pakistan Cricket Board, local district administration, and security agencies to ensure the events proceed without incident.
IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar outlined the strategic efforts, including the deployment of over 15,000 officers and officials tasked with security duties for the five matches. The security strategy includes continuous search, sweep, combing, and intelligence-based operations around hotels, team routes, and stadiums, enhanced by the surveillance capabilities of the Safe Cities Authority.
Additional measures include dedicated security checks by lady police officers for female fans, stringent traffic management plans to facilitate smooth vehicular flow and adequate parking, and polite interaction protocols for police staff at stadium entry and exit points. High-visibility patrols by the Dolphin Squad, Police Response Unit, and Elite Force teams around stadium perimeters are also in place.
Dr. Anwar emphasized the importance of public cooperation with the security protocols and encouraged citizens to adhere to Punjab Police’s guidelines to enjoy the cricket matches safely.