Lahore, In a significant crackdown, Punjab Police, under the directive of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, have intensified their operations against dangerous proclaimed offenders involved in serious crimes like murder, robbery, and kidnapping. Recently, a notorious proclaimed offender involved in a murder case was arrested at the airport upon his return from Saudi Arabia. This arrest marks the 130th proclaimed offender apprehended from foreign countries this year.
According to Punjab Police, the offender, Mustansar Hussain, was wanted for a murder committed in 2016 at the Dolat Nagar police station in Gujarat. Following the issuance of a red notice from Interpol, Punjab Police successfully tracked and arrested Hussain upon his arrival from Saudi Arabia. He has now been handed over to Gujarat Police for further legal proceedings. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar commended the police team for the arrest and urged for a swift legal process and punishment of the culprit. He emphasized the need for intensified efforts against serious crime offenders, suggesting regular collaboration with FIA, Interpol, and other agencies. Dr. Anwar also directed RPOs and DPOs to personally oversee the crackdown on fugitives abroad.