Rajanpur, In a significant crackdown on criminal activities, the Punjab Police have apprehended a key facilitator of robbers in the Kutch area, following an information-based operation. The accused, identified as Muhammad Arshad, was reportedly involved in supplying illegal weapons to the robbers, marking a critical step in the police’s ongoing efforts to combat crime in the region.
According to Punjab Police, the operation was spearheaded by the District Police Officer (DPO) of Rajanpur, following credible intelligence received about the facilitator’s activities. The engagement led to a fierce exchange of fire between the police and the robbers, during which Arshad was injured by gunfire from his own accomplices.
The police managed to recover the vehicle used for the delivery of illegal arms, along with the weapons themselves, from the possession of the arrested individual. Arshad was subsequently taken to the hospital for medical treatment, and legal proceedings have been initiated against him.
The successful operation has been lauded as a significant achievement in the fight against criminal elements in Punjab, demonstrating the police’s commitment to restoring law and order in the province. The Punjab Police, under the guidance of Inspector General of Police Dr. Usman Anwar, continue to intensify their actions against criminals, employing strategic and information-based operations to dismantle networks that pose a threat to public safety.