Lahore: Punjab Police, following directives from Inspector General Dr. Usman Anwar, enforced a stringent crackdown on illegal activities including one-wheeling and aerial firing during Independence Day celebrations, leading to significant arrests and case registrations across the province.
According to Punjab Police, a total of 514 individuals were apprehended for various offenses, with 461 formal cases filed. The operation saw 415 arrests specifically for one-wheeling, resulting in 375 cases. Aerial firing incidents led to 29 arrests and 24 cases, while actions against kite flying and silencer modifications led to further arrests and case registrations.
In Lahore alone, 194 violators were detained, highlighting a concentrated effort to curb disruptive activities in the provincial capital. IG Punjab had ordered strict and indiscriminate actions to ensure public safety and compliance with the law during the national holiday celebrations.