Rahim Yar Khan: In a significant crackdown, the Punjab Police has successfully apprehended Nukhaf Dashti, an active participant in the Tanveer Indhar Gang, during an intelligence-driven operation in the Bhong area of Rahim Yar Khan. The arrest is part of a broader strategy to combat criminal activities in the region.
According to Punjab Police announcement issued on 14 September 2024, the operation was initiated after receiving actionable intelligence about the presence of armed criminals at Fayyaz Bagh, Qadirpur. The police encounter resulted in an exchange of heavy gunfire, during which Dashti was injured by shots from his own group and subsequently arrested. Despite the success in apprehending Dashti, other gang members managed to flee, utilizing the night’s cover. Dashti is known to be closely associated with Moorzada Dashti and the late Shehzada Dashti, a notorious criminal previously neutralized by police.
IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar commended DPO Rahim Yar Khan Rizwan Umar Gondal and his team for their effective handling of the situation and has directed a continued effort to locate and arrest the remaining gang members. A follow-up search operation is currently underway, led by SHO Bhong and the CIA team from Sadiqabad, aiming to dismantle the remaining network of criminals in the area.