Lahore, Punjab Police have escalated their crackdown on fugitive criminals, successfully apprehending three individuals from the United Arab Emirates who were wanted for various serious offenses. This operation is part of an ongoing initiative to pursue and extradite dangerous criminals seeking refuge abroad.
According to Punjab Police, the directive of Inspector General of Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has catalyzed a significant enforcement drive, resulting in the extradition of 21 offenders from foreign nations this year alone. The recent operation led to the arrest of Sultan Khan, Ali Sher, and Bilal Nadeem, implicated in murder and fraud cases within different jurisdictions in Punjab.
The spokesman detailed that these individuals were detained following red notice alerts from Interpol, with Punjab Police’s Special Operations Cell facilitating their transfer from the UAE. Sub-Inspector Chaman Shehzad and his team managed the legal and logistical aspects of the extradition, ensuring the transfer of the accused back to Pakistan for prosecution.
Upon their arrival at Lahore Airport, the apprehended individuals are set to face legal proceedings for their alleged crimes, including murder and fraud. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has commended the Special Operations Cell for their diligent work overseas and emphasized the necessity of swift judicial actions against the accused to uphold justice and deter criminal activities.