Lahore, On the directives of Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, Punjab Police has finalized extensive security arrangements for the upcoming Eid-ul-Adha celebrations. The measures are designed to ensure the safety of over 26,500 mosques, Imambargahs, and public prayer areas across the province during one of the most significant religious observances in Pakistan.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar detailed the deployment of more than 40,000 officers and personnel to manage security at various sites, including Lahore, where over 8,000 officers will oversee more than 5,000 Eid prayer gatherings. Enhanced security features include the use of 13,249 metal detectors, 217 walk-through gates, and 4,475 CCTV cameras to monitor and secure venues. The police force has also prepared for increased public activity at parks and recreational areas during the Eid holidays. Anwar emphasized strict adherence to SOPs to prevent common festive disruptions like aerial firing and kite flying, and highlighted the strategic deployment of snipers and plainclothes commandos at key locations to further bolster security measures.