Lahore: The Punjab Police has announced a significant financial commitment to the health and welfare of its officers as 2025 begins. Under the direction of Inspector General Dr. Usman Anwar, the police force is prioritizing medical support for officers injured in the line of duty, with a total of 5.4 million rupees allocated for their treatment needs.
According to Punjab Police, the Compensation Award Committee, headed by the Additional Inspector General of Welfare and Finance, has approved detailed financial aid for several officers. Constable Muhammad Faizan and Constable Jamshed Iqbal have each been granted 1.5 million rupees, while Head Constable Umair Irshad will receive 1 million rupees. Other beneficiaries include Constable Muhammad Salman and Constable Zahid Hussain, who will each receive 500,000 rupees. Sub-Inspector Muhammad Bhutta and ASI Muhammad Arshad have been allocated 150,000 rupees each, with Constable Imran Ghulam receiving 100,000 rupees.
The committee conducted a thorough review of cases submitted from various regions, ensuring that the allocated funds are directed to those in need. Dr. Usman Anwar emphasized that efforts will persist throughout 2025 to guarantee the best possible healthcare for injured personnel, underscoring the commitment to their swift recovery and quality medical care.