Punjab Jails Implement Technical Training for Young Inmates

Lahore: In an innovative move to reform its prison system, the Punjab Home Department has launched a technical training program for juvenile prisoners across the province. Named “Ab Hoga Hunar-mand Aseer,” this initiative aims to equip young inmates with valuable skills such as repairing LED bulbs, ceiling lights, and irons, enhancing their prospects for reintegration into society upon release.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, the training is part of a broader effort to align with the prison reforms vision set forth by the Chief Minister of Punjab. The program not only focuses on skill development but also serves as a cost-saving measure for the department, with trained inmates now repairing the facilities’ own electrical fixtures.

The spokesperson for the Punjab Home Department highlighted that approximately 15,000 LED bulbs are installed across jails in Punjab, with over 2,000 needing replacement monthly due to malfunctions. By employing skilled inmates to perform these repairs, the department expects to save around 30 lakh rupees annually on bulb purchases alone.

Initiated at the District Jail Lahore, the program is set to expand to other facilities, ensuring that technical training is accessible to juvenile inmates throughout Punjab. This strategic approach aims to reduce recidivism by providing the inmates with practical skills that can lead to employment opportunities post-release, thereby fostering their successful reintegration into society.