Karachi, A delegation from the Punjab Information Technology Board embarked on a study and advisory visit to Baldia Uzma Karachi, exploring various departments within the municipal corporation on Thursday. The visit aimed to gather insights into the operational affairs of Karachi’s municipal departments, seeking to leverage technology for enhanced municipal services.
According to Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, the delegation, led by Mirza Umar and Khalil Ahmed of the Punjab IT Board, engaged with department heads and officers, receiving briefings on the functions and challenges of the Municipal Services, Fire Brigade, Slum, State, Council, IT, Finance and Accounts, Information Printing and Media Management, Department of Land, HRM, and other departments. Finance Advisor of Baldia Uzma Karachi, Imtiaz Abro, was also present, contributing to the discussions.
The two-day visit will culminate in a comprehensive report by the Punjab IT Board delegation, outlining recommendations for the integration of modern technology in Karachi Municipal Corporation’s operations. The initiative is expected to address existing challenges and enhance the quality of municipal services offered to Karachi’s citizens. The delegation’s itinerary also includes visits to various locales within the city, further enriching their assessment and recommendations.