Punjab Government to Allocate Special Barracks for Beggars in Jails

Lahore, In a new directive, Punjab Home Secretary Noor Ul Amin Mengal has ordered the allocation of special barracks for beggars in jails across Punjab, as part of a broader crackdown on the beggar mafia.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, the Home Secretary’s visit to District Jail Faisalabad included a comprehensive review of facilities and operations, including the food quality and health screenings of prisoners. He emphasized the need for prison meeting rooms to meet international standards, with appropriate air conditioning and facilities designed by the Infrastructure Development Authority of Punjab (IDAP). Additionally, Mengal’s directive includes enhancing food safety standards in prison kitchens and improving the training of jail staff in hygienic practices.

The visit also involved discussions on law and order, with Mengal directing actions against criminal activities and upgrading the capacity of the Punjab Forensic Science Agency to provide immediate results in heinous crimes. The Home Secretary further highlighted the importance of strict security measures for Chinese nationals and their movements in the region.