Provincial Minister Pledges Improvement in Irrigation and Water Rights in Usta Muhammad

Usta Muhammad, Provincial Minister of Irrigation Mir Muhammad Sadiq Imrani conducted a thorough inspection of the Karthar Canal, discussing strategies to ensure equitable water distribution and addressing the challenges in the irrigation sector with local officials and landowners.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, during his visit to various canal segments including Khanpur Bridge and Domb Branch, Minister Imrani met with several key figures, such as Chief Engineer Nasir Majeed and other irrigation officials, who briefed him on ongoing issues and the need for effective management to secure water rights for the area.

Imrani emphasized that his ministry is committed to combating illegal water connections and ensuring that the command area of 186,000 receives its rightful share of water from Sindh through the Kirthar Canal. He asserted that the priority is to reform irrigation practices and enhance the performance of the irrigation department to better serve the local farmers and landowners.

The minister also announced plans to engage with the Sindh government to enforce the agreed-upon water distribution, ensuring that past oversights in irrigation are addressed and improved upon. His visit concluded with a tour of the local irrigation office, signaling ongoing oversight and commitment to the needs of the agricultural community.