Provincial Minister Outlines Development and Health Initiatives in Barkhan

Barkhan: Provincial Minister for Public Health Engineering Sardar Abdul Rahman Khetran emphasized the local government’s commitment to enhancing public facilities and health services in Barkhan during a public statement in his native area on Thursday. Khetran highlighted the ongoing development projects and the focus on healthcare improvements aimed at reducing the need for residents to seek treatment in distant hospitals.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, Khetran expressed satisfaction with the progress of various initiatives, particularly in improving the modern health facilities at local hospitals. He stressed the importance of community involvement in overseeing and safeguarding these projects to ensure their successful implementation and to address any issues of negligence swiftly.

Khetran also pointed out that his priorities include not only health but also broader development projects within the district. He noted that the investments being made are intended to benefit the community directly, with a transparent approach to utilizing public funds. Additionally, he discussed the provincial government’s efforts to enhance its revenue streams, with a special focus on sectors that have the potential for growth, as part of broader economic development strategies.

The minister called on the people of Barkhan to actively participate in monitoring the projects and to contribute to a collective process of improvement and accountability in public service delivery. This approach, he believes, will foster a more responsible and engaged community, vital for the long-term development and prosperity of the region.