Protests Surge in Kashmir Over Statehood and Local Issues

Srinagar: Widespread protests have erupted across various regions of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, with demonstrators voicing demands for the restoration of statehood, resolution of ongoing water crises, and protection of local workers’ rights amid increasing disenchantment with central government policies.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the epicenter of the unrest in Srinagar saw protesters criticizing the Indian government’s delay in restoring statehood, expressing a growing estrangement from Delhi. Demonstrators, including a significant number of political leaders and activists, emphasized the urgency of their demands ahead of the forthcoming Assembly elections, accusing the Modi government of undermining the region’s autonomy.

In the district of Shopian, the focus of discontent shifted to infrastructural issues, with protests erupting over severe shortages in potable water supply. Residents from several villages, including Muqam Kellar Dunrau and Nasarpora Gujjar Basti, publicly decried the local authorities’ inaction, warning of an escalation in protests should their grievances remain unaddressed.

Meanwhile, in Ramban, the labor sector voiced its unrest as approximately 200 workers from the tunnel construction sector continued their strike for the seventh consecutive day. The strikers are contesting the employment practices of Unique UHPC Macro Line LLC, which they claim favor non-local workers over the indigenous skilled and unskilled labor force, further inflaming tensions in the area.

These widespread demonstrations across the region highlight a deep-seated frustration among the residents of Jammu and Kashmir, stemming from both political and practical issues, as they call for immediate action from both local and national authorities.