Protests in AJK continue against proposed G20 meetings in IIOJK

Kotli, May 19, 2023 (PPI-OT): Protests under the auspices of Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir are continuing in Azad Jammu and Kashmir against the controversial G20 meeting to be hosted by Narendra Modi-led Indian government in illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

After Muzaffarabad, Poonch and Mirpur divisions, a strong protest was held in Kotli, today, against the worst human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops in IIOJK and the proposed G20 meeting in Srinagar. In University of Kotli, students, professors and staff members, participated in the protest demonstration, led by Pasban-e-Hurriyat Chairman Uzair Ahmed Ghazali, Dr Ghulam Nabi, Professor Adnan Arif Butt, freedom-loving leaders Imtiaz Mahmood Kashmiri, Osman Ali Hashim and student representatives.

The students carrying banners and placards demanded of the G20 countries to boycott the meeting in the disputed territory. They chanted slogans against the Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir. Uzair Ahmed Ghazali while addressing the protesters said, the meeting hosted by an occupying country in a disputed territory is the worst insult to the human values. He said the United Nations should immediately ban the controversial meetings of the G20 in IIOJK. He said by holding the G20 meetings, India is trying to prolong its illegal occupation over the territory by misleading the world about the real ground situation.

Professor Dr Ghulam Nabi in his speech said according to the United Nations Charter the G20 meeting hosted by an aggressor country in a disputed state is illegal. Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, Indonesia and China must boycott this event in IIOJK, he added. Usman Ali Hashim said the people of Kashmir reject Indian military occupation. Kashmir has been cut off from the rest of the world and turned into an open prison, he added. Students of the university marched to Raheel Shaheed Chowk to protest against the holding of G20 meeting in IIOJK by Modi regime.

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