Srinagar, The residents of the Ashmuji area in Kulgam district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) took to the streets on Thursday to protest against the installation of smart meters by the Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL). The protesters, comprising a large number of men and women, voiced their outrage over the move, calling it an act of cruelty against the poor.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the protesters argued that the installation of smart meters would lead to higher electricity bills, which they cannot afford. Many of the residents in the area are daily wage earners who live paycheck to paycheck, making it difficult to manage increased utility costs.
One woman protester expressed the community’s frustration, saying, “We are poor families here, and the majority of our men are daily wagers. We are earning hand to mouth and can’t afford enormous bills.” She questioned the necessity of installing smart meters when the residents already have meters in their homes and pay regular bills. “This is injustice to us as we poor people can’t afford such huge bills,” she added.
The protesters warned that they would intensify their demonstrations if KPDCL proceeded with the installation of smart meters. They urged the authorities to reconsider the decision, emphasizing that it would have a significant impact on the livelihoods of the area’s low-income residents.
The protests reflect growing dissatisfaction among the residents of IIOJK over policies that disproportionately affect the economically disadvantaged. The outcome of the protest and whether KPDCL will reverse its decision remains to be seen.