Srinagar, A significant protest demonstration was held in Surankot, Poonch district, by the family, relatives, and local residents demanding justice for Ulfat Hussain, a youth who died in police custody. Kashmir Media Service reports that a large crowd gathered at Eid Gah Ground in Surankot, staging a sit-in protest. The demonstrators voiced their concerns against the Indian police and administration, insisting on a Central Bureau of Investigation inquiry into Ulfat Hussain’s death.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Labeling his death as a clear act of murder, they expressed their mistrust in the ongoing police investigation. They further alleged that Ulfat had been unjustly implicated in a fabricated case and underwent severe police torture, leading to his death. There are claims that the police are trying to frame this as a suicide. The protesters are calling for the suspension of the SHO and other involved police officials.