Jammu, The State Investigation Agency (SIA), operating under New Delhi’s mandate, has issued notices for the attachment of properties belonging to two civilians in the Poonch district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
According to Kashmir Media Service, SIA personnel, supported by the Indian police, posted notices at the homes of Mohammad Arshad and Mohammad Liaqat in the Degwar, Terwan, and Khari Karmara areas. These notices require the individuals to appear before the Principal District Session Judge court in Poonch within a month. Failure to comply within the specified period will lead to further legal proceedings against them.
In a related move, the Indian National Investigation Agency (NIA) court in Bandipora district issued similar notices to Mohammad Umar Mir, Hashir Rafiq Parray, Mohammad Jameel Sheergojri, and Mohammad Iqbal Khan. These notices were prominently displayed on the exteriors of their residences, marking a continued trend of property attachments and legal actions against residents in the region.