Prime Minister’s Health Coordinator Reviews Progress in National Polio Campaign

Islamabad: Dr. Malik Mukhtar Bharath, the Prime Minister’s Coordinator for Health, visited the NEOC polio control room today to assess the ongoing polio eradication efforts. He highlighted that 97% of the target children across all 115 districts have been reached, and directed further actions to close identified gaps before the next campaign in October.

According to Press Information Department, Dr. Bharath expressed appreciation for the polio teams working tirelessly to administer vaccines house-to-house amidst significant challenges. He instructed the national polio team to thoroughly analyze the post-campaign results and devise comprehensive plans to address any shortcomings. Muhammad Anwar ul Haq, Coordinator of the National Emergency Operations Centre for Polio Eradication, added insights from his recent field visits to South KP and Sindh, noting specific regional challenges that need attention, while confirming successful progress in Balochistan.