Prime Minister Sharif Reaffirms Pakistan’s Commitment to Regional Stability in Meeting with CICA Secretary-General

Islamabad: Today, Prime Minister Muhammad Shabaz Sharif met with Ambassador Kairat Sarybay, Secretary-General of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), to discuss and reinforce Pakistan’s dedication to enhancing regional cooperation and stability.

According to Press Information Department, during the meeting, Prime Minister Sharif emphasized Pakistan’s support for CICA’s mission to promote peace and stability in Asia through confidence-building measures. He highlighted the necessity of addressing the root causes of conflicts, adopting preventative strategies, and crafting long-term resolutions to sustain peace and prosperity across the region. The Prime Minister also expressed Pakistan’s eagerness to bolster regional connectivity and praised CICA’s efforts in this area.

Secretary-General Sarybay briefed the Prime Minister on CICA’s current activities and future initiatives, recognizing Pakistan’s active and positive engagement within the organization. Both leaders expressed a mutual desire for continued close collaboration to advance shared goals for stability and development in Asia.