Pretoria Marks Pakistan’s 77th Independence Day with Vibrant Celebrations

Pretoria: The Pakistan High Commission in Pretoria hosted a dignified ceremony to celebrate Pakistan’s 77th Independence Day, featuring flag hoisting and the delivery of messages from Pakistan’s top leaders.

According to Press Information Department, Acting High Commissioner Mr. Fahad Amjad led the ceremony, which included the playing of Pakistan’s national anthem and the reading of special messages from the President and the Prime Minister. In his address, Mr. Amjad highlighted the historical context of August 14, based on the two-nation theory, and paid tribute to the leaders and ancestors whose sacrifices enabled Pakistan’s establishment.

The event was well-attended by members of the Pakistani community across South Africa, who joined in offering prayers for the nation’s prosperity and progress. Mr. Amjad also emphasized the ongoing struggles of Kashmiris, calling on the international community to support their right to self-determination.