Presidential Adviser Chaudhry Mehboob Advocates Development Efforts in Kotli

Kotli: In his first visit to Kotli since his appointment, Presidential Adviser Chaudhry Mehboob Advocate was warmly welcomed by local leaders and the community. His tour included several key localities in the region, and he expressed his commitment to addressing local challenges and enhancing developmental efforts during a reception in his honor.

According to President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the visit was marked by significant local participation, with government ministers, the mayor of Kotli, the chairman of the district council, and many political and social leaders joining the welcoming procession. Chaudhry Mehboob acknowledged his gratitude towards President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry for the trust placed in him. He outlined his plans to focus on alleviating the deprivation of his constituents and emphasized his dedication to the welfare and development of the area, hoping for continued support from the community.