Posters urge Kashmiris to observe October 27 as Black Day

Srinagar, October 23, 2022 (PPI-OT): In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, posters have appeared in Srinagar and other areas of the territory wherein people have been asked to observe October 27 as Black Day against illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India. It was on this day in 1947 when New Delhi invaded Kashmir and occupied the territory against the will of the Kashmiri people. The posters pasted on walls, buildings and electric polls said that the Kashmiris would continue their struggle till they achieve their right to self-determination as promised by the international community.

The posters displayed by Jammu Kashmir Democratic Movement and Warseen-e-Shohda said, the Kashmiris are bound to continue freedom struggle against Indian illegal occupation. The posters described the 27th October 1947 as the darkest day in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. On 27th October in 1947 Indian troops had invaded Jammu and Kashmir and occupied it in total violation of the Partition Plan of the subcontinent and against the Kashmiris’ aspirations.

The posters appealed to the people in and outside Jammu and Kashmir to become a wall against Indian BJP-RSS government’s Hindutva agenda in Kashmir and mark October 27 as Black Day. The posters mentioned that that India is changing education curriculum and dismissing Muslim employees to advance its Hindutva agenda in IIOJK.

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