Political Analysts Support Kashmiris’ Fight for Self-Determination as Legitimate and Just

Srinagar: A group of political analysts has openly supported the Kashmiri people’s quest for freedom, describing their efforts as both just and legitimate. This endorsement highlights the ongoing conflict and the international legal standards that many believe support the Kashmiris’ cause.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in a media interview in Srinagar, the analysts highlighted, “The people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir are engaged in a struggle for the exercise of their UN-pledged right to self-determination.” This statement underscores the political and ethical basis for the Kashmiri movement, aligning it with recognized international norms and resolutions.

Prof. Noor Shah, with a pseudonym, further explained the global recognition of the Kashmiris’ plight, “The Kashmiris’ freedom movement has been accepted as a just struggle at the global level, and international law gives them the right to struggle for freedom from Indian bondage.” This perspective is reinforced by Dr. Wahid Atif, another analyst under a pseudonym, who pointed out that UNSC resolutions have legitimized the Kashmiri people’s struggle to achieve their right to self-determination, reflecting widespread local support for independence.

The discourse continued with critiques of the Indian government’s approach to the situation. Prof. Noor Shah criticized India’s efforts to label the freedom struggle as terrorism, stating, “India is striving to equate Kashmiris’ freedom struggle with terrorism through false flag operations and concerted propaganda, but Modi must remember that people struggling for freedom can’t be linked to terrorism.” Similarly, Dr. Zubair Ahmad condemned the violent tactics used by the Modi regime and called for global support for the Kashmiris’ rights.

The analysts collectively affirmed that the struggle would persist until there is adherence to UN resolutions, advocating for continued international attention and support for the Kashmiri cause.