Srinagar, A peculiar episode unfolded in Bengaluru, the capital city of India’s Karnataka state, when a policeman, believed to be influenced by Hindutva ideology, cautioned a cricket enthusiast from Pakistan against chanting the slogan “Pakistan Zindabad.”

According to a news release by Kashmir Media Service informs that this incident took place during the ICC World Cup match between Pakistan and Australia on Friday. The police officer approached the Pakistani spectator, urging him not to continue chanting “Pakistan Zindabad.”

A video that has since gained traction on social media showcases the Pakistani fan in a heated discussion with the officer. The fan highlights that he traveled from Pakistan to cheer for his national team and questions what other slogans he should use to express his support.

Upon being asked by the fan to repeat his warning on camera, the officer chooses not to respond and distances himself from the recording.

Critics argue that such incidents illustrate the politicization of cricket by the Narendra Modi-led Indian government. Reports suggest that the Indian government has already denied visa applications for Pakistani journalists and cricket enthusiasts, thereby barring them from both attending and reporting on the matches.

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