PM’s Climate Aide Urges Policy Reform to Shield Breastfeeding Women from Climate Change Effects

Islamabad: In a recent seminar focused on breastfeeding and its critical role in maternal and child health, the Prime Minister’s Climate Change Aide emphasized the importance of implementing policies to protect breastfeeding women from the adverse effects of climate change. The seminar highlighted various challenges posed by environmental shifts that affect nutrition and the overall health of mothers and their children in Pakistan.

According to Press Information Department, Ms. Romina Khurshid Alam, the Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, addressed the need for integrated climate resilience in national nutrition programs during the ‘National Advocacy and Sensitisation with Parliamentarians on World Breastfeeding Awareness Week.’ The event, held at a local hotel, saw participation from various stakeholders including Save the Children, the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, WHO, UNICEF, and the World Food Programme.

Ms. Alam detailed how climate change has led to extreme weather events, water scarcity, and shifts in agricultural productivity in Pakistan. These environmental changes threaten food security and maternal and child nutrition, making it imperative to forge policies that ensure the protection and promotion of breastfeeding amidst these challenges. She advocated for the integration of sustainable agricultural practices and resilient food systems into climate adaptation strategies to safeguard nutrition against climate impacts.

Furthermore, the event shed light on the pervasive issue of aggressive marketing of breast milk substitutes in Pakistan, which often misleads mothers about the benefits of formula over breastfeeding. Dr. Shahida Rehmani, Secretary of the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, stressed the importance of adhering to the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes to protect breastfeeding practices and promote better health outcomes.

The seminar concluded with a call to action for enhancing efforts across various sectors to support breastfeeding women, particularly in the face of escalating climate challenges. The emphasis was on creating supportive environments through accurate information, healthcare access, and the implementation of family-friendly workplace policies.