Islamabad, In a dedicated effort to ensure that the benefits of decreasing petroleum prices are passed on to the public, Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has instructed relevant authorities to expedite measures. This action came during a comprehensive review of efforts being employed to cater to the welfare of the populace in the wake of reduced petroleum product prices.
According to a news release by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, while presiding over the meeting, PM Kakar emphasized the necessity of cracking down on smugglers, hoarders, and those indulging in illegal profiteering. He highlighted the recent campaign against power theft and smuggling, acknowledging its positive impact, especially for the average citizen.
Underlining the monetary gains resulting from a stable rupee-dollar exchange rate coupled with the dip in petroleum prices, the Prime Minister revealed a savings of 41 billion rupees. He assured that this financial advantage would benefit the general populace.
In the meeting, PM Kakar expressed satisfaction over price reductions in critical food items in Balochistan, with wheat witnessing an 18 percent drop and sugar prices decreasing by 16 percent. On a national scale, the prices of 24 essential items have reportedly seen a decline. Further, appreciable reductions in agricultural production costs, electricity, rents, and industrial production are being implemented.
The Ministry of Planning has adopted the ‘Decision Support System for Inflation’ app as a tool to keep an eye on the pricing trends of essential food items and commodities. Additionally, the public will be pleased to note that, due to provincial administration measures, travel fares across provinces have witnessed an average decrease of ten percent.
During the session, the Chief Ministers and Chief Secretaries from various provinces provided updates on the initiatives and measures their respective provincial governments have undertaken.