Planning Minister Calls for Major Governance Reforms in Islamabad Capital Territory

Islamabad: In a significant move to overhaul the governance system of Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Minister for Planning Ahsan Iqbal has emphasized the need for an exemplary governance model that could serve as a benchmark for the entire country. This discussion took place at a meeting of the Prime Minister’s Committee on ICT Governance Model, which convened in the capital city today to deliberate on potential governance frameworks for ICT.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Ahsan Iqbal, who chaired the meeting, pointed out the unique challenges faced by ICT, notably the absence of a provincial assembly and administrative autonomy, which complicates governance. The Minister urged the committee to evaluate whether adopting a provincial-like structure or enhancing the local government system would be more effective for Islamabad. He expressed concerns about the overlap of responsibilities between various entities, including the Capital Development Authority (CDA), the Ministry of Interior, and other line ministries, which he said leads to governance inefficiencies.

During the meeting, Iqbal advocated for consolidating administrative authority and promoting professional management, especially in critical sectors such as health and education. He called on the committee to develop a governance model for Islamabad that could set a national standard for excellence in these areas.

Furthermore, the Minister highlighted the importance of a robust local government system capable of addressing municipal and local issues efficiently. He noted that centralized governance structures often fall short in resolving local matters effectively.

The committee was reminded of its mandate to devise a comprehensive reform package aimed at fostering a more efficient, transparent, and citizen-centered governance framework for ICT. This meeting marks a pivotal step towards redefining how Islamabad is governed and ensuring that it exemplifies good governance for other regions in Pakistan.